Financial Times: America’s secret negotiations with Iran over the Red Sea attacks were held!

The English media 'Financial Times' claimed:


According to Sea News, the English media Financial Times claimed in a news that Iran and the United States reached an agreement on the fire in the Red Sea. Meanwhile, the authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran have denied any cooperation with the Houthis of Yemen to send them weapons.

This English media wrote; The U.S. has held secret talks with Iran this year to convince Tehran to use its influence over Yemen’s Houthi movement to end attacks on ships in the Red Sea, according to U.S. and Iranian officials.
The indirect talks, in which Washington raised concerns about Iran’s expanding nuclear program, took place in Oman in January and were the first between the two countries in 10 months, officials said.
Also, this media claimed that Brett McGurk, Middle East Affairs Advisor of the White House, and Abram Paley, the US Representative in Iran Affairs, are at the head of the American delegation, and Ali Bagheri Kenny, Iran’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, who is also Tehran’s chief nuclear officer. His negotiator was the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Omani officials said that they were going back and forth between the Iranian and American representatives to prevent them from speaking directly.

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