Digitalization of Indonesian Ports with 5G Technology: A Roadmap for Iran


Sea News – Telkomsel, a leading digital communications service provider in Indonesia, has recently announced the launch of the first standalone 5G (SA) network in the country. This initiative, developed in collaboration with Huawei, is aimed at digitalizing and improving port operations in Indonesia. The project is expected to be a major breakthrough in the global port industry.

Telkomsel and Huawei have jointly implemented the 5G SA network in Indonesian ports, integrating advanced technologies such as Cloud Phone, RedCap devices, and artificial intelligence (AI) systems for port monitoring and management. This network will enhance the security and efficiency of port operations, allowing for quick responses to incidents and security threats.

With these technologies, ports will be able to process crucial data digitally and in real-time, effectively managing their operations.

Recommendations for Iran

  1. Implementing and Integrating 5G Technology in Key Infrastructure:

Standalone 5G (SA) networks, with their high capacity, low latency, and advanced features such as network slicing and precision computing, can significantly improve the management and efficiency of key infrastructure, including ports, airports, and industrial hubs.

Strategic investment in key infrastructure is essential to harness the benefits of 5G SA networks. Pilot projects in major ports and industrial zones can help evaluate and improve new operational models. Additionally, applying similar technologies in transportation and energy sectors can boost efficiency and reduce congestion.

  1. Developing AI Platforms for Big Data Analytics:

The development and implementation of AI-based platforms for big data analytics in ports and key industries can assist in resource prediction and management, identifying traffic and security patterns, and providing intelligent solutions. International collaboration for knowledge and technology transfer in this field can enhance domestic capabilities and accelerate digitalization processes.

  1. Supply Chain Analysis and Optimization Using New Technologies:

Focusing on supply chain analysis and optimization using 5G technology and advanced data analytics can improve coordination, reduce costs, and increase flexibility. The development of supply chain management systems based on 5G and IoT will significantly enhance performance and resilience in this area.

Indonesia’s successful experience in implementing the 5G SA network as an advanced model for port digitalization and operational improvement can serve as an example for Iran. Given Iran’s current challenges and opportunities, adopting advanced strategies for implementing modern technologies and optimizing industrial operations can contribute significantly to the creation of sustainable and efficient infrastructure.

Source: The Fast Mode

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