Iran’s Naval Power Display in the Gulf of Mexico Changes Geopolitical Equations


**Sea News – International Service**Dave Wallace, the president of the Fair Energy Foundation in the United States, recently announced in an interview that Iranian Navy ships are now present in the Gulf of Mexico. He claimed that this move began in February 2023 and is seen as a symbol of Iran’s naval power and capabilities, reflecting significant geopolitical changes on the international stage.

Wallace added that Iran has managed to transfer its ships to the Gulf of Mexico through the Panama Canal with strategic cooperation with China. This collaboration is part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which allows China to control key trade points worldwide, including the Panama Canal. This cooperation demonstrates the diplomatic strength and logistical capabilities of both Iran and China, which can alter the balance of power in various regions.

Wallace emphasized that the critical energy relationship between Iran and China played a crucial role in this maneuver. Iran, as one of the largest oil exporters to China, has strengthened its economic ties with China in recent months, overcoming sanction restrictions and playing an influential role in the international energy market. This economic success has not only bolstered Iran’s regional standing but also showcased its naval capabilities.

The president of the Fair Energy Foundation added that the recent circumnavigation of the globe by the 86th Iranian Naval Fleet exemplifies the logistical and operational capabilities of the Iranian Navy, which can access strategic points if necessary.

Wallace expressed concern that the presence of Iranian ships in the Gulf of Mexico signifies significant geopolitical changes that could have broad implications for the national security of the United States and other countries in the region. This move, coupled with China’s role in strengthening ties with Iran, could lead to a new balance of power globally and elevate Iran’s strategic importance on the international stage.

The Iranian Navy’s move to the Gulf of Mexico is not only a symbol of the country’s naval strength and capabilities but also highlights significant geopolitical and economic shifts that could have wide-ranging effects on international dynamics. This move clearly shows that Iran, through smart diplomacy and strategic cooperation, has strengthened its position on the global stage and emerged as a key player in both the region and the world.

**Sources:** Fair Energy Foundation and Slingshot News

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