The Future of China-Iran Strategic Relations


Seanews-China’s support, through the signing of a joint statement with the United Arab Emirates regarding the disputed islands in the Persian Gulf, has sparked various reactions. This move by China, as a strategic ally of Iran, could have various implications on the relations between Iran and China as well as on the Persian Gulf region. Below, an analysis of this issue is presented from the perspective of Iran’s interests.

1. UAE’s Claim on Island Sovereignty:

The United Arab Emirates claims that the sovereignty over the trio islands (Abu Musa, Greater Tunb, and Lesser Tunb) historically belonged to Arab rulers and was signed under pressure in the 1971 agreement. However, it should be noted that Iran has always been a multi-ethnic country, and all these ethnicities, including Arab minorities, have lived and continue to live on these lands. The local governance by Sharjah and Ras Al Khaimah, which was transferred from Britain, cannot justify the UAE’s claim of ownership over these islands. Historical and legal documents also do not support the UAE’s claims.

2. Historical Analysis:

Dr. Pirooz Mojtahedzadeh, a historian and Iran expert, points out in an article titled “Abu Dhabi’s Claim on Iranian Trio Islands, a Tool for Identity Formation in the UAE,” that these islands were part of Iran’s territory in the early 19th century within the Persian Gulf. The expansion of British colonial presence in the region and the establishment of the British-protected Emirates led to the formulation of these territorial claims. The formation of the United Arab Emirates, also supported by Britain, occurred after the settlement of seven sheikhdoms on the Arabian Peninsula and led to the emergence of territorial claims.

3. UAE’s Tactics:

Dr. Mojtahedzadeh believes that the territorial claim against other countries is an old and effective tactic for newly established countries to solidify their national identity. The UAE also employs this tactic to achieve unity and national identity. These claims are mostly aimed at facilitating the nation-building process and strengthening the national identity of the UAE, rather than seeking international acceptance or consensus.

Why China Should Not Put Iran in a Weak Position?!

1. Strategic Importance of Iran to China:

Iran, as one of the largest countries in the Middle East, plays a vital role in energy supply and regional trade. China, heavily reliant on oil and gas imports, cannot easily weaken its relations with Iran. Economic and trade cooperation between Iran and China, including major infrastructure projects under the “Belt and Road Initiative,” demonstrates the strategic importance of Iran to China.

2. Regional Power Balance:

Iran is a major power in the Persian Gulf region, and weakening it could alter the balance of power in favor of regional rivals. China must pay attention to the strategic importance of this balance and be more careful in its positions. Supporting the UAE’s claims could serve the interests of China’s regional rivals and ultimately harm China’s long-term interests.

3. Convergence of Economic and Political Interests:

The economic relations between Iran and China are not limited to oil and gas. Joint investments in various sectors, including industry, mining, and technology, demonstrate the convergence of economic and political interests between the two countries. Ignoring Iran’s interests could undermine these collaborations and reduce economic opportunities.

4. Regional Security:

The security of the Persian Gulf region, upon which China depends for energy imports, is of great importance. Iran plays a crucial role as a stabilizing force in the region. Weakening Iran could lead to increased instability in the region, ultimately to the detriment of China.

China’s support, through the joint statement with the UAE regarding the trio islands, may seem challenging for Iran, but with a smart approach and active diplomacy, Iran can turn this challenge into an opportunity to strengthen its position in the region and on the international stage. By leveraging diplomatic, economic, and military support from other countries, Iran can continue to maintain and strengthen its governance over the trio islands and play a significant role in shaping regional equations.

The Islamic Republic of Iran should, through smart diplomacy and appropriate development of political relations, strengthen domestic and international economic foundations, enhance relations with other powers, utilize economic and security tools, and engage in effective communication, counter UAE’s baseless claims and China’s unconventional behavior. This approach can help strengthen Iran’s position in the region and the international arena and support Iran’s national interests.

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