Baseless Accusations Against Iran at the UN; Iran Accused of Escalating Maritime Risks!


According to Sea News International, the Indian Transport News Agency claims that some international shipping industry associations, in a letter to the UN Secretary-General, called for the preservation of maritime security, citing Iran by name!

This recently released letter alleges baseless accusations against Iran and turns a blind eye to the violation of international laws by ships present in the Persian Gulf. This comes as, a few days ago, the Revolutionary Guards’ naval forces detained a cargo ship associated with Israel for violating international laws.

In this letter, they mention Iran by name, expressing concern over heightened tensions in the Middle East, such as Iran’s detention of ships, and the need for additional measures to safeguard maritime security and supply chains.

They also express concern in the letter that attacks and seizures of ships by allied groups with Iran, such as the Houthis in Yemen, have led to the killing of ship crews and call for a similar response from the international community!

Furthermore, the letter highlights Iran’s seizure of the MSC Aries container ship in early April as just one of the recent incidents underscoring the increased need for maritime security in the region. Recent attacks by the Houthis, allied with Iran, in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden have also affected the global transport chain.

They believe that coordinated and increased military actions must be taken to protect ship crews against any further possible aggression.

The letter emphasizes that recent incidents illustrate the precarious state of commercial shipping and underscores the need for ship crews and the maritime sector to remain neutral and not be politicized!

So far, UN officials have not responded to this request.”

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