We Must Move Towards Establishing “Third Generation” Ports

The Secretary General of Iran Shipping and Related Services Association stated:


According to C News; Masoud Polmeh, regarding the requirements for realizing the slogan of the year 1403, “Production Leap with People’s Participation,” and the role of the people and economic activists in the development of the maritime economy, stated: There are very good capacities in the country’s ports and maritime transportation for growth and leap in production that must be taken steps towards utilizing these capacities.

The development of the maritime economy lays the groundwork for the leap in production and the development of Iran’s economy.

He added: The two concepts of “development of the maritime economy” and “leap in production with people’s participation” are of utmost importance to the esteemed leadership, who have always paid special attention to the sea and production in their directives, and these should be considered as the cornerstone of the country’s economic activities.

The Secretary-General of the Iranian Association of Shipping and Related Services emphasized that we should witness the establishment of production and industrial centers in the hinterlands of ports, stating: We must move towards creating third-generation ports; ports where production takes place in their hinterlands, and considering the proximity to the sea, the final transportation cost should decrease, an event that is satisfactory for the private sector and economic activists and can facilitate maximum participation of people and job creation in the vicinity of coastal areas.

Private sector behavior, not governmental, should prevail

Polmeh, noting that fortunately, the country’s ports in the north and south of Iran have very high capacities that need to be utilized in the country’s economic prosperity, said: Private sector behavior, not the unsuccessful governmental patterns, should prevail, and we should utilize international experiences to flourish the country’s ports.

The necessity of establishing production centers with high export capacity in the hinterlands of ports

He emphasized that there is a greater link in the production sectors requiring raw materials or conversion materials in the maritime sector, stating: The development of the maritime economy can lead to economic prosperity, and the very important issue is that establishing production and industrial centers in the hinterlands of ports reduces the total cost of goods and increases competitiveness not only at the regional level but also at the international level.

The Secretary-General of the Iranian Association of Shipping and Related Services pointed out: The total cost of goods in the logistics sector is of utmost importance, and ports, due to their proximity to the sea and the existence of hinterlands, have the capacity to reduce the total cost of production, and if we can establish production centers with high export capacity in the hinterlands of ports and benefit from the advantages of free and special economic zones, we will have very high competitiveness in the global and regional markets.

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