Aid ship testing sea corridor from Cyprus to Gaza sets sail


An aid ship loaded with food has departed Cyprus heading for Gaza, after days of delay.

The Open Arms, owned by a charity of the same name, left Larnaca port early on Tuesday, towing a barge containing about 200 tonnes of flour, rice and protein. The voyage is a test of a planned sea corridor to carry aid to a population on the brink of starvation.


Mostly funded by the United Arab Emirates, the mission is organised by United States-based charity World Central Kitchen (WCK).

The 210 nautical mile (390km) voyage across the eastern Mediterranean to Gaza with a heavy tow barge could take up to two days, Cypriot officials have said.

Open Arms’ journey will test a planned sea corridor for getting aid into Gaza that was announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides last Friday in Larnaca.

“Our goal is to establish a maritime highway of boats and barges stocked with millions of meals continuously headed towards Gaza,” said WCK founder Jose Andres and chief executive officer Erin Gore in a statement.

With no port infrastructure in the enclave, WCK says it is building a landing jetty in Gaza with material from destroyed buildings and rubble.

Andres said that the construction is “well underway” in a post on X.

Another 500 tonnes of aid amassed in Cyprus is ready to be dispatched, the statement added.

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